Law Firm Google Analytics

Russell and Hill PLLC Logo


At the beginning of November 2014, Russell and Hill launched a new website.  The below reports show the progress from 11-01-2014 through 07-31-2015.  Their biggest month ever was in June, 2015.  I was let go in June and by July their traffic dropped by almost half.

11-14 12-14 1-15 2-15 3-15 4-15 5-15 6-15 7-15
925 1099 1146 1296 1542 2070 3590 5211 2917

Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 11-01-2014 through 11-30-2014

925 Visits

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 12-01-2014 through 12-31-2014

1099 Visits compared to previous month of 925

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 01-01-2015 through 01-31-2015

1,146 visits compared to previous month 1,099

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 02-01-2015 through 02-28-2015

1296 visits compared to previous month 1,062

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 03-01-2015 through 03-31-2015

1542 visits compared to previous month 1401

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 04-01-2015 through 04-30-2015

2070 visits compared to previous month 1516

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 05-01-2015 through 05-31-2015

3590 visits compared to previous month 2127

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 06-01-2015 through 06-30-2015 compared to previous month

5,211 visits compared to previous month 3,494

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Google Analytic Traffic Growth Dashboard Report: 07-01-2015 through 07-31-2015 compared to previous month. No longer working for company at this time.

2,917 visits compared to previous month 5,371

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